14 września 2015

Web portal PCh24.pl has published a documentary entitled “Crisis. Where will the synod lead us to?”. It features the Church hierarchs, including Cardinal Raymond Burke, who are horrified with the state of faith among bishops. The film was released a month before the Vatican Synod on the Family, during whose first session it was attempted to change Jesus Christ’s teaching on the marriage.

The film contains interviews with, among others, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Archbishop Jan Paweł Lenga and Bishop Athanasius Schneider. The hierarchs point out that we are living in times of extensive crisis in the Church. It manifests itself both in a crisis of priestly formation, a departure of the faithful from the piety, and also the desertion of many bishops from the fight with the present time.

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The words of Archbishop Lenga are highly alarming since speaking of his brothers in the bishopric, he uses extremely strong language: he talks about wolves in sheep’s clothing and the silent sheep, reconciled with the world. He claims that there is no longer the spirit of the Gospel in the Church.


The Bishop Schneider emphasises that we are actually living in times of a schism in the Church, because many successors of the apostles have lost the grace of faith. He reminds us that the Church belongs to Christ, the One through whom It was created, not to priests, even the highest of them.


Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, known for his resolute opposition to the aspirations of German bishops during the previous session of the synod, explains why he felt compelled to protest. He also emphasises that if someone claims that “they are not a branch of Rome” – and such words were uttered by Cardinal Reinhard Marx – they can no longer call themselves Catholics.


The documentary also features Professor Grzegorz Kucharczyk, a Polish historian, as well as the editor in chief of well-known Catholic magazine “Polonia Christiana.”


During last year’s session of the synod, bishops from Germany and other Western countries openly revolted against Christ’s teaching on the indissolubility of marriage, demanding that the divorced people living in new relationships should be admitted to Holy Communion. Furthermore, they also wished to “change the pastoral approach” to homosexual unions! During this year’s session of the synod, these bishops want to continue their destructive actions and persuade Father Francis to join their side. That is the content of the portal PCh24.pl production.


The documentary “Crisis. Where will the synod lead us to?” can be watched for free on portal Pch24.pl.


“Crisis. Where will the synod lead us to?”, production: portal Polonia Christiana PCh24.pl, directed by Jacek Flig, Krystian Kratiuk, running time: 41 minutes, release date: 2015.


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