9 marca 2015

Billboards with the slogan “Cohabitation is SIN” have appeared in many Polish cities. The campaign to promote this message in line with the teachings of the Church has obviously not escaped the media’s attention. Most of them have responded to the „street” action with barely concealed rage.

The purpose of the campaign is clear and simple: to draw attention to the increasing number of couples living without the sacrament of marriage. This type of relationship is sometimes referred to as shacking up. This informal verb does not reflect the seriousness and tragic nature of the position which the cohabitants are in.

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Apparently, the campaign creators do not want to play with euphemisms, but call a spade a spade, which is simply to tell the truth that cohabitation is a sin! This is an exceptionally brave entry, as for modern times, into the public space with the concept of “sin.” This word has been particularly carefully removed and erased from the contemporary language, and unfortunately, from the content of sermons, too . . .

The idea of the campaign is explained by Father Przemysław Drąg, D.D., the head of the National Center for Pastoral Care of Families (Polish: Krajowy Ośrodek Duszpasterstwa Rodzin). The priest emphasizes: “Many parents and pastors are worried about the number of partnerships. Many of these relationships are based on the assumption that as long as we get on well, we can live together and enjoy the pleasure. The growing number of cohabitation agreements entails a negative consequence, which is the fear of responsibility for the other person, the fear of having children, getting seriously engaged in social life.”

This public reminding of the truth about cohabitation has not gone unnoticed by the media. Their response was quite predictable, with the action being immediately described as “controversial.” In order to mock and lower the seriousness of the problem, the media have taken great delight in citing the “words of wisdom” of Facebook jokers who asked, for example, whether other sins also have their own billboards or whether adultery has been treated with special favor.

Undoubtedly, the campaign creators have hit the nail on the head. The best indicator of a proper diagnosis of the problem is the aforementioned media reaction. This has not been the first time we can see that the answer to an accurate hit in the revolutionary mentality is the whining of its promoters.

One can paraphrase the famous saying, “there is no smoke without atheists.” We did not have to wait long for the reaction of professional atheists. They were welcomed by “Gazeta Wyborcza,” which is very hospitable to all sorts of progressives and repairers of the Church. A unique “distinction” for the campaign creators is the fact that the campaign was commented on by a guru of the left, Professor Jan Hartman. Showing off his Talmudic verbal jugglery, he concluded: “The campaign doesn’t use the term adultery in a very precise way. Adultery more refers to having sex not with one’s own wife, in someone else’s bed. Cohabitation is not strictly adultery.” These are the words of an “expert.” Well . . .


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