31 lipca 2020

„We pledge to provoke”. LGBT activists desecrate the statue of Christ in Warsaw

LGBT activists desecrated the statue of Christ in front of the Church of the Holy Cross in Warsaw at night on July 28-29, 2020. The activists put a pink mask with a feminist-anarchist symbol on the face and a rainbow banner in the hand of the statue. A manifesto containing vulgar content was placed on the pedestal.


LGBT circles also targeted several other monuments: the Little Mermaid, Józef Piłsudski, Nicolaus Copernicus, Wincenty Witos and Taras Shevchenko. The fact that the activists targeted the Catholic sculpture that survived the Warsaw Uprising, among the rubble of the capital, is particularly outrageous.

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The text placed on the pedestal of the monument says:


That’s a storm! That’s an attack! That’s a Rainbow! In remembrance of the fallen in the fight with daily hatred, those who had enough strength to leap in the dark. Giving faith in a better future to those whose freedom and security was taken by the state. Calling for an open war against discrimination. Telling not to ask, not to beg for respect and mercy anymore. This city belongs to all of us. F***ck you ignoramuses!


The text was signed by “Gang Samozamęt” (Self-Confusion Gang), “Stop Bzdurom” (Stop to Nonsense) and “Poetka” (Poetess).


The manifesto was posted on Facebook by one of the female organizers of the desecrations. One of the reasons for the action is the activity of Fundacja Pro-Prawo do Życia (Right to Life Foundation) which makes people living in the capital aware of the dangers posed by sexual education and social-political demands of the LGBT+ movement.


That’s a storm! That’s a rainbow! That’s an attack! We’ve decided to take action. As long as I’m afraid of holding your hand. As long as the last homophobic truck is on our streets, the manifesto says.

This is our manifestation of distinctness – this rainbow. As long as the rainbow scandalizes anybody and is treated as inappropriate we solemnly pledge to provoke, the vandals declared.


Sorry… After all nobody will say that the Polish flag is inappropriate and that it offends somebody… When our rights are taken away from us, the fate is determined by the balance of power. The silence of politicians is worrying – their words horrify. We will not ask for mercy, beg for respect and understanding. We are the voice of those who are too little to be listened to, too little to say anything. Silenced by their parents. Tired of the daily battle with the world. We have unlearnt politeness and the imposed game of normality. When the system wants us to leap in the dark alone, we declare war to it.


The mermaid of Warsaw has a sword and a shield in the hands. It has a shield and a bandana. It’s our clarion call. As long as we are to fall asleep thinking that nothing is going to change it will be necessary to remind them of our existence. That you are not alone. This city belongs to you, too. Fight!, the authors wrote.


The statue of Christ carrying the Cross on the pedestal with the slogan “Sursum Corda” was placed in front of the Church of the Holy Cross on the initiative of Count Andrzej Zamoyski on November 2, 1898. The sculpture by Andrzej Pruszyński miraculously survived the hecatomb which was brought on Warsaw by the Germans who pacified the city after the Warsaw Uprising. The tower and the church vault collapsed in the explosion caused by Wehrmacht soldiers. German pictures taken just after the Uprising and published in Krakow show the sculpture lying on the street of Krakowskie Przedmieście. The lying Christ, still stretching his arm up, seems to be pointing at the sign “Sursum Corda!” Soon the sculpture was taken away and left near Nysa.



Transl. Jan J. Franczak

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