5 grudnia 2017

Bishops are working on Amoris laetitia implementation. Archbishop Gądecki: We don’t want to mislead anybody

One of the issues mentioned during the session of the Permanent Council of the Polish Bishops Conference, which took place in Jasna Góra, was an issue related to the pastoral care of marriages and families in context of the exhortation Amoris Laetitia.


„Apart from well-known aspects of pastoral counseling we also discussed issues related to accompanying divorced couples. This issue requires further precise clarification as we would not like to mislead anybody at the same time presenting this problem in general terms, which actually convey nothing” – Abp Gądecki pointed out.

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The Permanent Council of the PBC also discussed issues connected with pastoral youth counseling. The President of the Episcopate, metropolitan bishop of Poznań Abp Stanisław Gądecki informed that during the session of the Permanent Council Bp Marek Solarczyk had presented approximate results of a questionnaire related to the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops summoned by Pope Francis in October 2018.


„We decided that during the nearest Plenary Session of the Polish Bishops Conference in March 2018 three topics would be presented concerning the following issues: the condition of the youth in Poland, the condition of pastoral youth counseling and the condition of vocation chaplaincy” – said Abp Gądecki.


Another of the issues discussed during the session was next year’s commemoration of the centenary of Polish Independence.


„We are eager to join in this commemoration, we are even obliged to it because we talk about the Church which is close to its homeland, which teaches patriotism. We’d like to remind of the role of the Church in regaining our independence. We will pay attention to those Church achievements which are related to the matter of the Polish language and maintaining national identity. The Church suffered, in terms of martyrs who were sentenced to penal servitude. The Comission for the Pastoral Care is preparing a schedule of different initiatives related to the centenary of regaining independence – the President of the Episcopate said.



Translation: jjf

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