20 listopada 2015

Eurocrats have decided to respond to the terrorist attacks by calling for… implementing further restrictions on a legal access to firearms. Why? Because legally possessed weapons can be used… illegally. The EC even minds having an access to alarm pistols!


On Wednesday, the European Commission presented a plan to tighten up the control of firearms. It was assumed that, among others, ordinary, law-abiding citizens should be stopped from having an access to selected models of self-loading firearms, although they are used for both sport and self-defence.

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What is more, EU bureaucrats do not like the current extent of access to inactivated weapons or alarm pistols. Why? Because the former can be activated, and the latter redone. According to this view point, each person who lawfully owns firearms (even alarm pistols or flare guns) may become a source of illegal weapons. The EC would like to introduce stricter registration and monitoring of guns. Eurocrats are also thinking of implementing trade restrictions.


“The European Commission’s attack dated 18 November can only be compared with attacks on weapons in the citizens’ hands that, as we know from history, were performed by leftist totalitarianisms,” president of the Foundation Ad Arma Jacek Hoga said in an interview with PCh24.pl. “Facing the increased threat of terrorist attacks originating from the Middle East, the Commission wants to disarm us. Whoever wants to disarm plans to enslave and often kill. We definitely have to say MOLON LABE to EU bureaucracy. Bandits always want to hurt us, but their desires are dangerous only when we get disarmed by ourselves,” he emphasised.


Let’s remember that, according to the socialist logic, the French police officers who intervened during the attack on the office of “Charlie Hebdo” were not even carrying guns. The terrorists were armed with AK rifles. The police officers fled the scene. Sharing a similar standpoint, the EC argues now that a gun in the citizens’ hands is a threat.



source: europa.eu, niezalezna.pl


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