14 września 2015

The Chairman of the German Episcopate, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, has recently made an infamous statement that the German bishops are not a branch of Rome. Unfortunately, these words are the culmination of the schism looming over our western neighbour. The source of the disease tormenting the Church in Germany derives from spreading philosophical and theological misconceptions. One of them is raging (and mad) anthropocentrism, as explained by Professor Grzegorz Kucharczyk. Download the free e-book on the problems of the Church in Germany.


Proposed by the German hierarchs “pastoral” changes – being in fact the manipulation of the Church teaching – raise serious questions about their authors’ “Catholicity.” Speaking against the truths proclaimed by the Magisterium has almost become a hallmark of priests from the country upon the Rhine.

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Invaluable assistance in understanding the problems of the Catholic Church in Germany may be provided by the work by Professor Grzegorz Kucharczyk, entitled We are not a branch of Rome. The book title, referring to the words of Cardinal Reinhard Marx, points to the essence of the programme that has been implemented by the German hierarchs for a long time.


Does it foreshadow major changes in the Church? Have the German bishops decided to blackmail the Vatican? Grzegorz Kucharczyk shows that the state of Catholicism in Germany is dramatic. Therefore, the book “We are not a branch of Rome” is definitely worth a look.

Download the e-book for free!




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