13 czerwca 2018

Arkadiusz Milik’s testimony of faith: I pray every day and I know God helps me on the pitch

(Football.ua [CC BY-SA 3.0GFDL, CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons)

‘I pray every day and I know God helps me on the pitch. I am not ashamed of my faith,’ confessed Arkadiusz Milik. The player of the Polish national football team added that systematic work is the recipe for success.


The 28th pilgrimage of sportspersons arrived at Jasna Góra with a prayer for the Polish national football team and with gratitude for their successes and achievements. It was attended mainly by representatives of pupils’ sports clubs and their coaches, but there were also experienced sportspersons and participants in Olympic games. The culmination point was a vow of conscientiousness, diligence on trainings, compliance with fair play rules and being a role model for sportspersons, which was made in front of the Miraculous Painting of Our Lady. The organiser of the annual meeting is the Catholic Sports Association of the Republic of Poland.

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A special testimony for the Jasna Góra meeting was given by Arkadiusz Milik. It was published in the Mistrz sports magazine. In this testimony, the football player stresses that faith in God is very important to him and has had a large impact on his life. ‘I pray every day and I know God helps me on the pitch. I am not ashamed of my faith,’ we can read in the article A sporting role model.


Arkadiusz Milik stresses that systematic work is the recipe for success. ‘I have learned this myself. I tell all young boys to work hard. Determination and hard, sometimes murderous work at each training session is very important,’ says the member of the Polish national football team.








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